Today is the best wishes of bijaya Dashami

Published :19 October, 2018
Md. Al-Amin Khan
Executive Editor

Goodbye tune in Mandap, Mandap. Durgorinashini Uma will leave the earth today on the rocket. Return to Kailash Shardi Durga Puja, the biggest festival of the Hindu community, will end today with the destruction of idols in the good and the welfare of evil forces and the desire for eternal peace and equality among the people of all communities.

Good luck today. According to the scriptures, worship of goddess will be worshiped by Shapla, Shaluk, and sacrifice. So the dhak bolle is being heard- ‘How long will it be Thakur be abandoned?’

Anandamoyi Maa Umadebe arrived in Sanatan Biswale-Bhavanei ‘Arouna Lighting Anjali. Five days after his death, he will go back to Mandepi from Mandap today in Kailash with husband Shiva.

Without leaving Kailash, the mother came to her father’s house and riding in the boat. Today, in the tenth month of Bijoya will take a turn again. From today morning the devotees will be dumb in the damp. Drum and shuffle Drawn sculpture Moons and Anjali With a drummer, dance, vermilion game. Devotees will be freed from rice, dust, sweet and abir.

Today many of the Hindus will fast.

On one side, the fare of fare, on the other hand the festival amaz.

Today Friday is the procession from 12 noon to 2 pm will be close.

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